
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Climate Change Essay

Once, I visited a hospital for my health checkup,there I saw a man with shattered skin,rashes all over the body;clearcut it was the case of allergy.Doctors are rushing and making report on it.After a week I again visited that hospital for my scheduled checkup,then I came to know a shocking news-that allergy case was the case of Ganga bath!! Alas! Holy river Ganga, ancient river Ganga ,that Ganga which takes away all the sins from mankind, today causing allergy,irritation,skin rashes!!! that man has to pay price for his religious belief†¦ Also scientists got some samples from Ganga from specific places having disease causing microbes. This small case itself indicate the change we have made in our nature. Change is the law of nature,change is inevitable and change is evergoing process,but Climate Change is one of the most complex,multifaceted and serious threat that the World face. Whether you are adding your bit to the heap of garbage piling up in your locality or not become meaningless when the garbage begins to rot-the stench will reach your nose too,Climate Change induced by global warming works much the same way. World famous scientists all over the country had evaluated climate change and came to conclusion that Greenhouse Gases ,CFC, Carbondieoxide and many other toxic gases are the cause of environment degradation.Though it is true scientifically,the root lies elsewhere;that is in the greed of human being.Our greed led to adavancement of technology and led us farther from peace and prosperity of all. Increasing consumption of electricity due to intiation of several new industries,disposal of garbage without treatment to maximize profit,use of environment hazardious substances like polythene in our daily life are concrete examples of human greed. People have been influencing the Biosphere for at least 8000 years,since the invention of Agriculture,but Climate Change has proposed a threat over our Agriculture.The most affected area of Climate Change will be Agriculture and its biodiversity. The first and foremost impact of climate change is in biodiversity specially Islands biodiversity.nearly one –fourth of the worlds countries are Island and they are treasure trove of biodiversity.Also they provide food,fresh water ,wood,fibre,medicine,fuel and other raw materials. But increasing sea level has given a alarm threat to them,The New Moore Island of India in Sunderbans has been consumed recently by rising sea,many other Pacific atoll nation Island of Kiribati,Islands of Vanuatu also submerged in early history.we are loosing huge . biodiversity;these are initial cases†¦ Rather IPCC has warned that a rise in sea levels of between 18 and 59cm by 2100 would be enough to submerge many other big islands, including Maldives and make them unhabitable,also of the 724 recorded animal extinctions in 400 years about half were Island species .also climate change will bring degradation of coastal environment and natural resources on which poor rural people depend.Higher rates of erosion and coastal land loss may vanish our islands In context of Agriculture,sea level rise will also cause increased salinity due to encroachment of the sea and saltwater intrusion into freshwater lenses,contributing to an increasing shortage of water supply and loss of agriculture land.The most vulnerable section will be the poor and marginal farmers with small landholdings because ‘extreme weather events’will specially occur in tropics,fundamental changes in rainfall pattern together with rising temperature will shorten growing season and reduce crop productivity . Acco.to World Bank 75% of 1.2 billion people are trapped in extreme poverty,so they will fail to adopt new rotation practices and thus most vulnerable to climate change. World wide farming is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions accouting for 20% of total emissions.Atmospheric concentration of methane has more than doubled during the past 200 years.Natural wetlands,fossil fuels related to natural gas,coal mines coal industry,electric fermentation,rice fields,biomass burning,landfills accont for 75% of methane production in our environment. thus major source of greenhouse gases is agriculture itself. Rice fields are the most significant contributors of atmospheric methane accounting for 11-13% of the world’s total methane production. Also, rice production will need to expand by around 70% over the next 25 years to meet the demands of fast growing human population whose food demand is expected to double in developing world in next 40 years. Thus if we increase our crop area specially staple crop area in near future then the problem of global warming is likely to increase. Already in today’s era 800 million people are unnourished, in India only 30 million people suffer hunger,46% children are underweight and 17000 people are dying per day due to hunger on an average. Thus in near future we are going to face a great threat not only of climate change but also of food security†¦. However, Not all effects of climate change on agriculture are expected to be negative, most of the major food crops are C-3 plants including staple food like rice ,wheat, oat, barley will show increase in yield ranging from 25% to 64% due to increased CO2 level, also most of the noxious weed are C4 plants and their growth will be checked. But this is only one side of the coin ,increased temperature due to increase in CO2 level may rise the pest attack up to 25% and fungal disease attack up to 20% and also disturb our monsoon pattern.In an overview it can be said that it will create more and new problem rather than benefits because the worst sufferers would be farmers of Rainfed agriculture which cover 60% of all cultivable lands. Today humanbeings have become dependent on technologies which are dependent on non -renewable resources and produce illeffects in long run.nowdays we say that glaciers are shrinking;may be shrinking but more that the heart of the people and their philosophy is shrinking too.while the drastic effects of global warming has been discussed in many scientific circles,had their run on T.V. and even had well meaning Hollywood films but the need of the hour is to change ourselves,to reduce our luxurious wants. The need of the hour is to develop a) True sustainability,there should be synergies between climate mitigation strategies and development policies in areas of energy efficiency,fuel substitution,renewable ,afforestration,and land and waste management. b) The planning should not be for temporary economic gains and support,but for sustainability in future as well.There should be partnerships with communities,individuals,and private sector to frame effective measures to reduce the impact the effect of climate change. Today we all peoples of the world need to change our habbits ,not only in Agricultural practices but also in our daily life practicices†¦ Switching of fans and light before leaving room ,efficient use of water at home , proper garbage disposal at micro level, though seems to be a very minute step but the huge building of true sustainability will only form above these basic steps because this will be the 1st step against our greed, so step ahead and realize your own responsibility ,because it is not the time to curse the darkness but to light a small lamp. References: 1. â€Å"Know climate change† by Tanya Agarwal 2. â€Å"Global climate change† by Arnold J.Bloom 3. Science Reporter (CSIR) 4. IPCC website

Elizabeth Bishop and Her Poems Essay

Elizabeth Bishop was not just a simple poet for me during her time. Her family background contributes to her life and career in a significant manifestation. Because she was not raised by her own parents, she used to perceive things in a broader knowledge – accepting everything that she has despite of her parents’ incapability of nurturing and loving her as she grows up. This is what I like about Bishop. Despite of her shortcomings and emptiness in some part of her being, she tried to perform better in her lifetime that gave her different achievements and recognitions in the literary world. Her life during her childhood when she used to go to different relatives because her father died while her mother was hospitalized taught her how to adjust to different people and knowing them at the same time. She knew that her relatives especially her aunt loves her so much, more than what she expected but she still seek for the love of her parents. For the reason that she could not obtain the love that she wanted, she makes herself busy to many things that she thought would help her to become a better person even if her parents are not around her. The way she was not raised by her own parents and could not able to give her the strength in everything she does manifests during her college days when she could not pursue her dreams in music for she is afraid to face the crowd. Through writing, she found herself successful behind her narrators or characters in her poems. In writing, she was not afraid to face her readers for she would just write and let her readers feel her through her poems. As a reader, I can probably say that I can feel her personality because of the way on how she attacked her poems during her point of views and the way she related fiction to reality is the most considerable things why I admired her. Aside from the fact that I liked her because she is a woman like me, I ca relate to many things that happened to her like losing her parents at an early age. I also love the way she writes her poems. As she focused most of her poems on nature, she illustrates the reality within it. Through reading her poems, we can see how much our modern period and nature have changed from then to now. In this case, we could be able to relate what the history tells us and how would these aspects recount to our modern world. It is an important point of attack because the readers would have the power to describe the past and acknowledge it in the present situation of the society and nature. The most significant poems that are close to my heart are Bishop’s poems entitled â€Å"The Map† and â€Å"Florida†. As I read these two poems, it reminds me of many things in life. It gives me the knowledge on how to perceive life in a positive way despite of all the odds within my journey. Because I know that life is a never-ending journey and responsibility, I have learned how to take each day as one step as a time to what I believed and my purpose in living. Critical Essay Elizabeth Bishop’s poem entitled â€Å"The Map† is about the description of the difference between the historian and map-makers in terms of their way of tracking the geographical event and scenario between the North and the West. The author describes profoundly the setting where beautiful things emerge. There are no negativities within the poem. Everything looks good. That is why as the readers read this poem they would feel the goodness of history and reality at the same time. The author showed and described abundant images and elements to show the life of the poem. Even if there are some disputes between the historians and the map-makers, the author did not show the negativities within it. As an irony of the poem, she used positive images and elements to show the problem within it. It was like the character of the author. Bishop can be said as the narrator of her poems. Even if she felt bad, she would hide it in front of many people showing the good things within her while she hides the dilemmas in her life. Another significant thing that we need to consider in this poem is the femininity of the poem. The author used feminine images and elements that showed the essence of being a woman. Some of the images that exist in this poem are lovely bays, peninsulas, yard-goods, and glass. Lovely bays signify beauty and keenness, peninsulas signifies curve or silhouette of a woman, yard-goods signifies femininity, and glass signifies fragility of a woman. These images can be seen as a formation of a woman as men define them whom to be the historians and map-makers. It means that men created women as what the bible showed that women came from the piece of men through the conception of Even from Adam. Like the poem â€Å"The Map† the poem entitled â€Å"Florida† is a free-verse poem or much of the acknowledgement as prose-poetry. The author did not use rhyming or syllabication schemes in her poems. She used free-verse without limitation of the rhymes and syllables. It shows that Bishop did not like limitations. She makes sure that she maximized all the opportunities that he has whether in personal or career aspect of his life. When it comes to her poems, he did not limit herself to many things because she wants to show everything that is within her reach. Bishop’s poems show that she loves nature as its best. She perceives nature an important tool in her writings. In the poem Florida, it was just as simple description of the setting of Florida if we look at the literal attack of the author. She illustrates the characteristic and nature of Florida. She did not incorporate any human perspective in this poem. Everything is meant for nature’s purpose and is not from man-made signification. Bishop is also open to many cultures in her poem. She described different images and elements that came from different cultures such as China and India. It means that she is not a discriminator in this aspect because as what we see in her chosen culture, which is China and India. Both of these came from Asia. Asia are known from different kinds of discriminations whether in language or in color. However, as what we see in her poem, she used these cultures as incorporation of the culture of Florida. Because the poem is free-flowing, the concepts and ideas are also free-flowing. It incorporates different kinds of ideologies that set the positive mood of the poem yearning for good realization and judgment of living in Florida. References Bishop, E. â€Å"The Map† Bishop, E. â€Å"Florida†

Friday, August 30, 2019

Handlin vs. McNeill Essay

Although events in history occurred over a long span of time and development, history first became an academic subject a little more than 100 years ago (McNeill 12). Since then, a plethora of controversies appeared regarding how historians, scholars, and intellectuals should examine and analyze history. Among the initial methods of studying history was the scientific research method, or scientific source criticism, which fundamentally extracts valid, legitimate facts from a diverse range of historical sources. Throughout time, however, the facts derived from this method of historical study gradually altered, leading to a new method of historical study: using facts and combining them with opinions and goals to constitute personal interpretations. As Oscar Handlin zealously asserts, historians and scholars should provide a strict examination of history based on a chronological study of known and verifiable facts as opposed to using verifiable facts as the basis for their own interpretation, influenced by their own group, experiences, beliefs, and personal motives. Through implementing a strict examination of history, historians can successfully detect and eradicate bias in their writings, allow the government as well as individuals to gain an insight into the past in order to secure and progress the future, and grasp the magnitude of truth. First, because strict examination of history based on a chronology and conclusive evidence can aid in discerning bias from genuine fact, historians should utilize the scientific method of research. Although Oscar Handlin admits that historians are never â€Å"totally free of bias† (7), he does claim that removing facts from interpretations eliminates bias, opinionated statements, and fiction from history, which is supposedly the chief goal and use of history (Handlin 5). On the contrary, when scholars employ William McNeill’s method of investigating history through interpretation, biased and one-sided analyses emerge, and, therefore, scholars may elasticize actual truth to suit their purpose. Historians who use interpretation to depict history â€Å"are likely to select facts to show that we-whoever ‘we’ may be-conform to our cherished principles† (McNeill 16). Consequently, a fusion between fact and bias results, distorting the truth and leading to ignorance. Take, for instance, the example of Christopher Columbus. When examined through strict examination based on chronology and evidence,  historians determine truths including the fact that Columbus’s voyages increased Europe’s rate of expedition to the Americas and the fact that Columbus contributed to the horrifying genocide of Native Americans. These derived facts provide insight into two perspectives of Columbus, and so, it diminishes the threats of bias. However, when explored through interpretations to suit purpose or please the audience, historians exaggerate Columbus’s prominence by omitting the negative perspective mentioned above and using overarching descriptions, verifying the detriments of bias. Essentially, the scientific method of research assists historians in limiting the bias and opinion used in their writing to produce exact facts that do not serve to please the audience. In conclusion, when historians adhere to a specific study of history founded on chronology and corroborative facts, they can locate truth amidst clouds of speculation, myth, opinion, and bias, and they can use this truth to advance the human race. Rummaging through the treasure chest of historical sources and only selecting the jewels of absolute truth can facilitate the process of abolishing partiality and attaining objectivity and allow humans to use the past as a tool for enhancing the future. Handlin aggressively proclaims, â€Å"Truth is absolute; it is as absolute as the world is real† (5). If historians truly possess profound feelings and support for the success of humanity, it is crucial that they acknowledge Handlin’s statement. If McNeill’s views are adopted and excessively used, however, absolute truth and its advantageous properties may be lost forever, masked by interpretations involving a blend of fact, fiction, and ideology. By working in accordance and using the scientific method of research, humans can conquer subjective interpretations and win the war against â€Å"faction-a combination of fact and fiction† (Handlin 8).

Thursday, August 29, 2019

People Have Become Overly Dependent on Technology Essay

People Have Become Overly Dependent on Technology - Essay Example The chief aim that humans seek to advance technologically is to make life easier and better. However, as humans make more innovations, they have also become more dependent on technology such that most aspects of human life cannot be sustained if technology was withdrawn. Off all the forms of technology, computer technology stands out to be the one, which has become a crucial part of human life. However, the list of technological devices and gargets that define the life of modern humans is endless. Numerous aspects of human life demonstrate the unlimited level of human dependence on technology (Hooff, Dijk, Bouwman, & Wijngaert, 2005). The list of aspects of human life that are extremely dependent on technology is endless. Technology has become part of human life without which life would be unimaginable. Even the simplest of human needs cannot be met without technology. A good example is food. Technology is considered important and process such as production, storage and food preparation enormously depend on technology. Some food types would not be in existence without technology. The extension of the shelf life of most human foods depends on technological devices. Food preparation processes such as cooking make use of technological devices. The quality of processed food depends on the type of technology used. The food production and processing industries are extremely dependent on technology. Since food remains the most crucial basic need for humans, it is thus correct to say that humans are excessively reliant on technology. Without technology, food shortage would be a serious predicament facing human beings (Ra hman & Raisinghani, 2000). Technological devices such as computers have become an essential need in running the daily activity of any organization, institution, or even business. Communication has become advanced and progressively dependent on technology. Communicating devices such

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Arguementative Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Arguementative - Research Paper Example THESIS According the American Heritage Dictionary (2011), abortion is defined as the induced termination of a pregnancy, achieved via destruction of embryo or fetus. Abortion therefore refers to ceasing the process of child birth before the child is born. Opting for an abortion is not an easy decision, but there are many unfortunate circumstances where women find themselves with no other choice. Several reasons for opting for an abortion may include: rape pregnancies, accidental pregnancies, divorce, illness of the mother or the mother being underage etc. Abortion has for long been viewed unfavorably by most societies. In America, abortion was legalized only in five states in 1970 and in all states in 1973 (Levitt & Donohue, 2001). Women who do opt for abortion to avoid giving birth to unwanted babies face many difficulties in areas where abortion has not been legalized. If a woman is too young or unhealthy to bear a child, or if the baby is unwanted, she should have the right to ter minate her pregnancy before bringing the child to life. This will not only save an unwanted or abandoned baby from being born but will also give the woman a chance to live a healthy life and make a career after attaining whatever education she may seek chances of which would be rare if she gave birth to a baby while being in her teens. Unprepared couples or those not wanting another baby do not prove to be good parents and it is not fair for any child to be born in a home where he or she is not welcome and where his or her parents cannot support the baby. In worse cases where abortion is not an opportunity and the baby is not given for adoption either, the baby is either abandoned, or is brought up very poorly by the parents or parent. There are cases where pregnant women are murdered by their partners who are unwilling to have a baby and share the responsibility or in some extreme cases; even the newly born infants are murdered by one of the parents. All this can be avoided by taki ng a timely step namely that of abortion if contraception did not work. Even if given a chance to live, unwanted babies are deprived of normal lives where parents care for children and support them. Unwanted children often have abusive, frustrated parents who do not care for the children, resulting in unhappy lives for such children. ANTI-THESIS There are always two sides of a picture and it is pointless to prove an argument while ignoring the counter arguments available. There is some available research and literature in favor of not legalizing abortion as well. Lott and Whitley (2010), cited in UFI (2010) conducted one study to find the relationship between abortion and crime rates. They concluded that contrary to what Levitt and colleagues (2005) previously found, crime rate specially that of murders had actually increased with legalizing abortion. The researchers supporting this finding explain that with legalized abortion, pre marital and extra marital unprotected sex has also become a more encouraging option which has therefore elevated the rate of related crimes. Some people who oppose legalized abortion claim that abortion is another form of discrimination. Dr. Garton in her book ‘Who broke the baby?, cited in Murti (2006) says that we have actually conveniently excluded

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Changing Women Body Standards According to Culture Research Paper

Changing Women Body Standards According to Culture - Research Paper Example The 1910s saw the ideal woman’s body depicted from the creation of Charles Gibson with the body type being referred to as â€Å"Gibson girl.† The ideal body, in this case, was tall and slender with a thin waist (London, 2015). The girl had to have a large bust and wide hips. They had to fit perfectly in a super cinched corset, which brought the big bust and narrow waist effect upon the women at this era. â€Å"Her physique was tall and slender but with a buxom bosom and large hips; essentially an 'S' shaped body achieved by wearing a super-cinched corset† (London, 2015). The women at this point were in physically good shape as they were physically active. The 1920s saw the ideal woman’s body referred to as â€Å"flapper.† With the rejection of the Victorian style, the women had minimal breasts (those with large breasts wore tight bras to flatten them some more), appeared more boyish and revealed uncovered arms (Eco, 2010). Their behavior of rebellio n saw them become scandalous, irresponsible and even undisciplined. The 1930s saw the return of the â€Å"curves† and the femininity figure and behavior. The women became more voluptuous with bare shoulders (Bahadur, 2014). The women during this era were much more nourished and this contributed largely to their increase in size. The celebrities were also not slender and they, in turn, embraced the curves giving the regular women reasons to maintain their increasingly curvy figures.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Trends in Common Law Jurisdictions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Trends in Common Law Jurisdictions - Essay Example First, it must specify the requirements pertinent to the service subject matter of the contract. This often includes the date, time and length of the performance. (Each song must be in the length of 1-3 minutes). It is also important to clarify how many batches of songs is Finbar expected turn over before he gets paid. This can be expressed in terms of weeks or months. (Finbar should turn over three songs to TV8 in the first week of May. Finbar will get paid every two weeks for the ten weeks that the song will be used by TV8.) This will ensure that both TV8 and Finbar will know what is expected of Finbar to avoid disputes during the duration of the contract. The second thing a performance contract must contain is the manner of compensation for Finbar. This can be a guarantee ("TV8 will pay Finbar 60 Euros every week), incentive (TV8 will pay Finbar 5% of the total contract price if ratings of the children’s TV show rise by at least 2%). In this case, Finbar had no contract with TV8. There was no written agreement between him and Jenny McSwindle. McSwindle’s letter to Finbar could not be considered a contract. The letter was, at the very least, an offer to Finbar. Finbar did not expressly, and in writing, signify his assent or consent to the terms proposed by McSwindle in her letter. While it could be said that Finbar’s act of sending TV8 some material was an implied assent to the contract, the same act had actually no consequence. Jenny McSwindle had sent Finbar a letter withdrawing her â€Å"offer† on April 30 but Finbar apparently, unaware of this withdrawal, sent the material on May 01. From the foregoing, it could be said that there was â€Å"no meeting of the minds† between Finbar and Jenny McSwindle. McSwindle’s â€Å"offer† was not simultaneous with Finbar’s â€Å"acceptance.† Events which had transpired could be described only as a â€Å"negotiationsâ €  between the parties. Negotiations may or not end in a contract. In this case, it clearly did not end a contract.     Ã‚  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

What Specific Benefit Does Knowledge Management Software Add To A Essay

What Specific Benefit Does Knowledge Management Software Add To A Global Organization - Essay Example Technology may be central to companies adopting a global strategy. To discuss the benefits of using software in knowledge management tt should be mentioned that knowledge management means storing and sharing the wisdom and understanding accumulated in an organization about its processes, techniques and operations. It treats knowledge as a key resource, and software becomes a way of sharing this knowledge. Knowledge management software helps to connect people in global organization who operate in a distance, and has no opportunity to use printed matters or other sources. Knowledge management is as much if not more concerned with people and how they acquire, exchange and disseminate knowledge as it is about information technology. That is why it has become an important area for HR practitioners, who are in a strong position to exert influence in this aspect of people management. Software in KM can benefited in any process or practice of creating, acquiring, capturing, sharing and using knowledge, wherever it resides, to enhance learning and performance in organizations (Kucza, Komi-Sirvio,2001). MK software and the Internet world is growing fast and is becoming the integral part for many global organizations which create "portals to facilitate collaborative among workers involved in product development" (Moore, 2001). Internet rationalizes the expensive and cumbersome proposition of large-scale service. MK software serves to reduce at least the appearance of risk associated with time-space distanciation and the opacity of the expert system. In the global organisation managers need to implement a system that is much like a traditional library - it must contain a large cache of documents and include search engines that allow people to find and use the documents they need. In the personalization model, it's more important to have a system that allows people to find other people. In the light of this KM software is viewed as a means of communication and as a means of storing knowledge. Knowledge management is more about people than technology. A preoccupation with technology may mean that too little attention is paid to the processes (social, technological and organizational) through which knowledge combines and interacts in different ways. The key benefit is the interactions between people. This constitutes the social capital of an organization, i.e. the network of relationships constitute a valuable resource for the conduct of organizational affairs. Organizational networks can be particularly important in ensuring that knowledge is shared. What is also required is another aspect of organizational capital: trust. People will not be willing to share knowledge with those whom they do not trust, but KM software helps to reduce this risk to a minimum, and in some cases even encourage employees to be more active and participate in current affaires (Card, 1991). Another benefit of KM software is possibility to inhibit knowledge sharing in the culture of the company. The norm may be for people to keep knowledge to themselves as much as they can because 'knowledge is power'. An open culture will encourage people to share their ideas and knowledge. KM software helps to develop an open culture in which the values and norms emphasize the importance of sharing knowledge. On the other hand it promotes a climate of commitment and trust. As the most important KM software can help to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The History of the United States Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The History of the United States - Research Paper Example The civil war arose when the US people fought over power, land. (Burke 12). The Southerners felt threatened since they were thriving well in the slave trade. They feared the north might interfere with the growth of the trade which was booming at that time. It might be said with conviction that it is indeed slave trade that leads to the division of America into two, but there are other reasons. At that time, the Southerners whose daily lifestyle relied much on plantation farming and could, therefore, not do without slaves and the slave trade. They wished that it could grow and even spread in the west. In the contrary, the northerners who were politically and economically doing well posed a threat to the Southerners. So for the survival of the union of the American state, it was necessary that the slave trade was not tempered with, but left to grow (Burke 27). However, in 1860 when Abraham Lincoln became president, the union of American states came to a point where enough is enough. Wh en he publicly made his intentions clear to stop growth of the slave trade but not slavery, he compelled South Carolina followed by six other American southern states to withdraw from the union. This lead to the Civil war that lasted for four years after the seven states united and named Jefferson Davis there president. On15th of April 1861 due to break up of the states there followed a lot of fights and states of unrest battles with the first reported incidence being on July 21st 1861. At this point nothing, much could be done to stop the war anticipated. President Lincoln gave a decree that soldiers be reinforced around Fort Caswell and Fort Johnson but was all in vain due to luck of cooperation from some of the states like Missouri, North Carolina and Tennessee (Finney 33). There was some response to the president’s order from some companies from Pennsylvania who offered and provided soldiers on the 18th of April 1861. Between 18th and 19 of April soldiers managed a little to destroy points where weapons were kept in Virginia. At this juncture, President Lincoln pronounced the closer of states belonging to the Confederate. When the soldiers of the Union dared to pass through the Confederate states, Baltimore soldiers went on a rampage as a retaliate gesture. This made Lincoln add more closure by including Virginia and North Carolina in the list of sates closed. On the 20th of April 1861, there was an attempt by the Federal soldiers to Attack Virginia among other states. However, there was help by the Confederates who happened to save a lot of valuable staffs making the Federal soldiers retreat. On the seventh 25th of April the same year there was more reinforcement in Washington DC. On 29th, an election was held (Keifer 46). The governor was given the power to select commissioners by the Legislative body at Tennessee so the commissioners can be in accordance with the Confederacy. Voters who were supporting the re-evaluation of the conditions leading to the breakup of the United States Where joined hand in hand by The North Carolina legislative body. In May 17th North Carolina and Confederacy join hands. The voting was only restricted among the legislative body, and the citizens were not allowed to participate (Long 77). Conclusion A lot of activities was done at the legislative level most of which were being decided by the power of the ballot box. In the war, many civilian lost their lives; the national government became stronger

Friday, August 23, 2019

Financial Analysis of BAE systems plc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Financial Analysis of BAE systems plc - Essay Example The principle operations of the company are electronic system, cyber & intelligence and platforms & services (UK and US and international). The electronic systems of the company includes, electronically optical sensors, commercial and digital engine and flight controls, electronic warfare systems, persistent surveillance capabilities, next-generation military communications systems and data links and hybrid electric drive systems. Cyber & intelligence includes, US based security and intelligence business and the BAE  System’s Detica business. It covers the cyber, financial security and commercial activities based in the UK. From the above figure, it is evident that the sales of the company have decreased over the years from 2008 to 2012. The revenue has reduced by 7% reflecting lower volume of sales in Land & Armaments business and there was no contract for Typhoon aircraft delivery during 2012 under the surveillance of Salam Typhoon program (BAE Systems, 2014b). The Earning Before Interest, Tax and Amortization (EBITA) has also reduced by 6% to approximately  £1,895 million (BAE Systems, 2014b). The earnings per share (EPS) went down by 2% (which excludes the benefit of UK tax settlement in 2011). The order backlog has also increased by about 8% to  £42.4 billion. The order taking in non-US and UK have increased to  £11.2 billion from  £4.8 billion in 2011. The total dividend paid to the investors has also increased by 4% in 2012 to about 19.5 p (BAE Systems, 2014b). According to Dick Olver, Chairman of BAE Systems Plc, â€Å"BAE Systems has delivered a robust performance in a challenging environment† (BAE Systems, 2014b). The company concentrates on the way it has conducted its business over the years and also focuses on the operational and strategic progress. The mission statement of the company is to â€Å"deliver sustainable growth in shareholder value by committing Total Performance† (BAE Systems,

Behaviour in Social and Work Organisations Essay

Behaviour in Social and Work Organisations - Essay Example As argued out by McShane & Glinow (2009), the MARS model contains four pertinent aspects that directly impact on an individual’s performance. At the outset, motivation has been suggested to be the best strategy open to managers bent on boosting employee performance. The ability of an individual to perform a certain task should be critically analysed before placement. It is therefore imperative for managers to avoid any disparity between abilities and job profile during placement (Newstrom, 2007). An individual should behave within the parameters of the position occupied in the society. Newstrom (2007) maintains that no employee should be given roles conflicting with his or her culture. Finally, all the internal and external factors in an organisation must be favorable (Bratton, J. et.al, 2007) to allow an individual to perform. The Johari window has been used in explaining how people interact with one another. Anita (as cited in McShane & Glinow, 2009), explains that the Johari window has four panes which divides a person’s awareness into four different types. In the public pane is all the information about our lives that we bare open to the public. I may have a speck on my face and unless I use a mirror, I’ll never learn of the presence of the speck. Other people can observe this speck and thus know something I don’t know. This is my hidden or blind pane. The unknown pane on the other hand contains information about me that is not known to anyone including myself (McShane & Glinow, 2009). Such information could take the form of dreams or visions. Finally, the private pane contains an individual’s secrets kept hidden from others. Opening this private pane is called self-disclosure (Anita as cited in McShane & Glinow, 2009) which has its dangers. The EVLN model has been designed to explain the behaviour patterns of dissident members in an organisation intend on changing the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Review of Continental Airlines organizational structure Essay Example for Free

Review of Continental Airlines organizational structure Essay 1.Does the organizational design of this corporation help or hinder it in achieving its organizational goals? Continental Airlines utilizes a divisional structure relative to the management of its various entities. This structural design is due to the complex nature of the aviation industry as well as the autonomy required in operating a twenty-four hour a day, seven day per week worldwide business. In my opinion, the structural design of this organization with the exception of Continental Express and Continental Micronesia can really not be structured in any other way, and therefore should be considered helpful. The airline business is an incredibly tough business as it is. The costs of operations in relation to profit per passenger mile are very low. This airline and its management team have emerged from bankruptcy and now fly the newest fleet of aircraft in the sky today. Chairman and CEO Gordon Bethune with his years of experience in the aviation industry have afforded the opportunity for Continental to receive more awards for customer satisfaction than any other airline. Obviously, this is a far cry from the pre-bankruptcy days of this airline which now proudly stands as an industry leader. (No, I do not work, nor have I ever worked in the airline industry). The organizational structures leadership includes various notables that have grown up within the industry filling various leadership positions for other airlines. It seems as though Mr. Bethune has installed an incredibly capable team to steer this company into the future. I carved out Continental Express and Micronesia since they are basically licensed businesses that fly under the Continental flag. Their existence within the Continental family does provide routes to smaller and far-eastern destinations but are independently managed and therefore not considered (by me) as anything more than a profit center on the organizational chart. 2.If you were to change this organization, what issues would you need to consider and why? What would be the advantages and disadvantages of organizational change? If I had the ability and experience to effect change for this organization, the first issue I would consider would be consolidation of the airlines in  general. I address this issue because I do not necessarily feel that consolidation is all that its cracked up to be. Bigger airlines mean bigger bureaucracy and smaller profit potential. Both of these translate to decreased customer satisfaction as well as the potential for employee dissatisfaction. Mr. Bethune prides himself in being one of the people, he is often seen walking in the terminal, shaking hands and recognizing employees for doing an outstanding job. As a rated company pilot, he is also seen on the flight deck of the occasional 757 or 777. It is hard to imagine how the current structure could be improved beyond what it already is. He is leading by example as a leader should. Should airline consolidation continue, the main advantage would be for the traveling public. The customer could potentially book a trip around the world simply by calling the Continental reservation line. Until that customer shows up for the trip to commence, he may not even realize that hes not even on a Continental flight. Thats the beauty of being big. The trip might be made up of legs flown by Northwest connecting to Varig connecting to Delta connecting to Qantas, etc. This seamless travel experience for the customer should be considered as an upside to consolidation. The main disadvantage might possibly be that the customer has no idea who to call when things go wrong. He might be stranded in a foreign land after his connection with China Airlines cancelled and hes not sure of whom to contact to get back on track. The second issue I might consider would be mandatory retirement of pilots once they reach their sixtieth birthday. Organizationally, this federally mandated policy weakens the organization. My best and most experienced pilots are being forced out of my company. If this policy is unchangeable, I must find a way to keep this incredible resource happy and employed in some form or fashion that augments my existing infrastructure. This disadvantage to my organization structure is a hurdle that is out of my control but directly affects the bottom line relative to people and organizational power. Reference: www.continental.com/company/investor.governance.asp

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

EU limits of enlargement

EU limits of enlargement Enlargement of the European Unionis the process of expanding theEuropean Union via the accession of newmember states. This process began with thefirst Six, who were the founding powers of theEuropean Coal and Steel Communitywhich was a precursor to the EU in 1952. Since then the EUs membership has increased to twenty seven with the more recent expansions includingBulgariaandRomaniain 2007.Currently there are negotiations under way with several countries who wish to begin the process of joining the EU. The process of enlargement is often calledEuropean integration. However, this term is also used to refer to the increased levels of co-operation between EU member states as individual national governments allow for the integration of more common national laws. (EU Online 2010) To be able to join the European Union a country needs to fulfil several economic and political conditions which are collectively called theCopenhagen criteria(after theCopenhagensummit in June 1993). Any prospecti ve member also needs to have a stable democratic government that respects the rule of international law, and its corresponding freedoms and institutions. According to theMaastricht Treaty, each current member state and theEuropean Parliamentmust agree to any enlargement. (EU Online 2010) Enlargement is counted among the EUs most successful foreign policies but it has also suffered from severe opposition.France has historically been opposed to enlargement. British membership vetoed by France because they feared the influence of the United States.(IISS 2008) France was also opposed to Portuguese, Spanish and Greek membership because they feared that these states were not ready and it would dilute the EU down to a free trade area(ESI 2006). The reason for the first member states to apply and for them to be accepted was economical while the second enlargement was much more to do with politics (IISS 2008). The southern Mediterranean countries in Europe had just emerged from dictatorships and single party governments and wanted to preserve the security of their democratic systems through the EU, while the EU wanted to ensure that their southern counterparts were stable democracies and to steer them away from any possible communist influence.These two principle factors, eco nomic and political security have been the driving force behind enlargements. However with the more recent enlargements in 2004 public opinion in Europe has turned against further expansion. It has also been acknowledged that enlargement has its limits, the EU cannot expand endlessly (ESI 2006). To understand the limits of enlargement we need to understand the effect that enlargement has on the eruopean union Since the spring of 2005, when the proposed European Constitutional Treaty was rejected in referenda in France and the Netherlands, debate on the drawbacks of enlargement has gained in intensity. Senior politicians across Europe have called for a slow-down, freeze or even a permanent halt to enlargement. Voices opposing enlargement regularly make headlines, creating the impression that the future of enlargement is hanging in the balance. (ESI 2006) One of the factors that turn public opinion against European enlargement is immigration. The members of the old Europe fear the influx of migrants that adding more members to the European Union would bring. The fact that several of the older member states public (Britain, France) are already hostile to foreign labour only makes this worse. Indeed immigration was the main reason that the constitution was defeated in the French and Dutch referenda in 2005. This migration also creates problems for prospective members as huge numbers of skilled workers leave for other EU countries. The new members will after the initial economic boom that comes with joining the EU fall into economic decline and demand more and more money from the EU budget to keep its economy afloat. (Palmer 2006) Further enlargement would also put more pressure on the European Unions already struggling administrative system the simple fact is that the European Union does not have the governance capacity to effectively run a union of twenty seven without adding another ten or fifteen new member states. With the failure of its planned constitution and the unpopularity of the Lisbon treaty it clearly lacks the required degree of integration needed for effective decision making and implementation. And the essential development of a transnationalEuropean democracyis still falling far behind the limited progress made in strengthening the EUs executive powers. (Palmer 2006) There seems little doubt that at that point classical EU enlargement will have reached its end. Of course major questions about the relationship to the EU of countries further east -Ukraine, Moldova,Belarusand the countries of theCaucasus(Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan) remain (Palmer 2006). But they will have to be solved through a different process involving more limited sovereignty-sharing with the EU. Indeed, this could become a more attractive model for Turkey in the nextdecade. It would be disastrous for peace stability and the spread of democracy in the wider European neighbourhood if enlargement shuddered to a halt now.(palmer 2006) But we need a definition of a wider European Commonwealth that does not bind both sides into the detailed legal structures drawn up fifty years ago for European countries facing quite different challenges.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Neo Realism Of Pather Panchali Film Studies Essay

Neo Realism Of Pather Panchali Film Studies Essay The Bengali feature film Pather Panchali or Song of The Road in English was directed by Satyajit Ray and released in 1955. It was considered a landmark in the field of Indian as well as world cinema. Although it was director Rays debut effort it went on to win critical and popular acclaim from all around the world. The path breaking movie was also instrumental in winning the Best Human Document award at the Cannes Film Festival of 1956. Satyajit Ray had his first truck with neo-realism as far back as 1949, when Jean Renoir the famous director from France came to Calcutta to make the film The River. The neo-realistic influence that is apparent in most of his movies came from this association with the famed movie maker as also from the neo-realistic propensities of the then prevailing Italian cinema (Ruberto. L, Wilson. E Kristi. M 2007). Ray happened to take the famous director to various potential locations in the Bengal countryside. Later he went to London on official business. During the short time he was in London, Ray saw myriads of movies and seeing the film Bicycle Thieves made so profound an impression on him that he decided to be a movie maker, then and there (Robinson, 2003). Pather Panchali is considered to be neo-realist in its implications. The main reason for describing the movie as neo-realistic was the fact that it was filmed not long after the II World War when neo-realism held sway in most of Europe. What made the critics tack the label of neo-realism to Rays movie? Ray chose mostly natural locations while shooting Pather Panchali. He wanted the backdrop of each shot to speak for itself. Also, he totally refrained from the artificially exaggerated practices and gestures of the popular cinema prevailing in India. The movie is said to have amply demonstrated some affiliations with the traditions narration, representation as well as musical address prevailing in earlier times in an effort to articulate in an Indian identity of the day following independence (Vasudevan, 2000). In an attempt to dissociate himself and his creations from the commercial movies emanating from Bollywood, Satyajit Ray stated, The differences appear to emerge from evaluating the status of the narrative form through which the real would be articulated, through what means of representation, styles of acting, aesthetic strategies the real would be invoked. Here the popular compendium studio shooting, melodramatic, externalized forms for the representation of character psychol ogy, non- or intermittently continuous forms of cutting, diversionary story lines, performance sequences was not acceptable within the emergent artistic canon, for they undermined plausibility and a desirable regime of verisimilitude (Ray, 1976). Pather Panchali possessed all the essential characteristics of neo-realism as proposed by the great Italian movie maker Zabattini. The neo-realistic theory lays down the dictum that the filmmaker should not ever impose his own individual interpretation on the movie that he is making and should always remain a passive observer of the reality that he happens to be creating. It does not matter whether he is depicting misery or prosperity, the movie maker should always uphold the utmost objectivity, by subordinating logic to action at all times. Although, even the staunchest of the neo-realists were utterly unable to attain such total objectivity for the simple reason that the subjective element always had a tendency to creep into any artistic creation, they never stopped from trying to achieve it. The same thing holds true for Satyajit Ray when he made his debut film Pather Panchali. In fact Ray was virtually unable to keep the subjective element out of his movie. But he never made comments on his actions, characters or situations. He never pitches hints at his audience and never tells them just what to think and feel. At the same time he was not at all apprehensive about taking the appropriate stances. This is because he was predisposed not to his characters but to the drama of life itself. He had his own ways to suffuse life on to the screen in order to impart a shimmer of hope to all his characters. Pather Panchali and Bollywood movies : A contrast Bollywood movies are a far cry from the realism and objectivity of Rays movies When comparing and contrasting a Satyajit Ray movie to any Bollywood movie, there is nothing much to compare but there is a lot to contrast. The only factor a movie like Pather Panchali has in common with a Bollywood movie is that both are shot in India and is about life in India. The similarity ends there. While Rays movies are predominantly realistic, there is nothing even remotely realistic about Bollywood films. To make matters worse, Satyajit Rays art films received their due recognition from the cognoscenti and welcomed with open hands within the ambit of world cinema. Evidently, Rays movies were in stark contrast to the populist fare dished out to the masses. This further discouraged any scholarly discussion of Bollywood movies within cinematic and media study circles. Madhava Prasad (2003) a film scholar wonders about the significance of the term Bollywood (2003). It might be that being imitative Bollywood cinema needs to be rechristened to emphasize this derivativeness. In another context, Gokulsingh et al states that whereas Hollywood filmmakers strove to conceal the constructed nature of their work so that the realistic narrative was wholly dominant, Indian filmmakers made no attempt to conceal the fact that what was shown on the screen was a creation, an illusion, a fiction. Genre While movies like Pather Panchali comes under the genre of art cinema or parallel cinema, Bollywood movies come under the genre of Masala meaning a mixture of hot spices. The main characteristic of the Masala genre is the song and dance sequences, a critical factor in defining the particular genre. But audiences that invest social realism into cinema find it difficult to accept the genre as they are extraneous constructions of the real (Dudrah, 2002). It might be interesting to note that the term Bollywood does not signify Indian cinema as a whole but is confined to those movies emanating from Mumbai, the erstwhile Bombay (Corliss, 1996). Budget Any film begins with a budget which in turn necessitates financial backing. Another factor that delineates Pather Panchali and Bollywood movies is the matter of budgeting. Pather Panchali was shot with the meager budget of $3000 while Bollywood spends incredible amounts to make musical extravaganzas. Even a single dance scene from a Bollywood movie costs tens of thousands of dollars. Satyajit Ray could not afford even what to a Bollywood producer is an insignificant sum. The government of Rays home state contributed the lions share of the production costs of Pather Panchali. This never happens with Bollywood films. Film distributors around India are standing ready to advance princely amounts of cash to a masala movie emanating from Bolllywood. Monroe Wheeler, the then head of the prestigious Museum of Modern Art was greatly impressed with high levels of quality prevalent in Pather Panchali although what he saw at the time of his visit to Calcutta in 1954 was an incomplete footage. La ter Wheeler asked John Huston, the American movie director who was on a visit to Calcutta to look into the progress Rays debut movie. At Hustons favorable feedback, the Museum of Modern Art provided Ray with additional funds. Still three years had elapsed before the movie went into post-production (Mehta, 1998). Screenplay The screenplay for Pather Panchali was based on the Bengali novel of the same title by the popular novelist Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay. The novel was about the simple lives of people inhabiting the Bengal countryside of the period. Such a theme is generally anathema to Bollywood directors. Again, the scripts of Bollywood movies tend to be involved, complicated and resemble the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that somehow come together at the very end. In contrast Pather Panchali did not have even a whole script (Robinson, 2003) as it was solely based on Rays notes and drawings. His theme was simple enough with seemingly random sequences of trivial as well as significant sequences pieced together, a practice that is foreign to the mindset of Bollywood movie directors. Rather than dishing out a fare to assist the moviegoers to escape from the harsh realities of life even it is for a few hours as is the case with Bollywood movies, Ray wanted the script à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦to retain some of the ra mbling quality of the novel because that in itself contained a clue to the feel of authenticity: life in a poor Bengali village does ramble (Ray, 1976). Quite unlike a Satyajit Ray movie, a bollywood film is replete with a plot that is extremely melodramatic in its connotations. Most of such movies follow a regular formula with ingredients that is often mindblogging to a serious movie goer. Such formulae is replete with love triangles, family ties, irate parents, corrupt politicians, conniving villains, kidnappers, golden hearted prostitutes, siblings long lost, sudden reversals of fortune, impossible coincidences and what not. Musical score The musical score consisting of Pather Panchali was prepared by the sitar maestro Ravi Shankar who at that time was at the initial stage of his musical development (Lavezzoli 2006). The background score, in the best tradition of Indian classical music, was something that was truly plaintive and exhilarating (Hoberman, 1995). A sound track that was based on the ragas of classical music and did not contain any songs to portray dance sequences was singularly at variance with the inane capers of Bollywood and something that was happening for the first time in the annals of Indian cinema. A Bollywood movie is an epitome of mediocrity with nothing to relate it with life as lived in India. The main emphasis is on musicals consisting of catchy tunes and words accompanied by a series of song-and-dance sequences. Even the theatricl trailers made to promote a movie have their emphasis on song and dance scenes The standard of a movie is based on mainly on the quality of the songs it features. In fact one major factor of movie promotion with Indian commercial movies in general is to release the songs that a movie contains far ahead of its release. A Satyajit Ray movie appeals to the filmgoer for the aesethetic sense it imparts. To see Pather Panchali was to have what MSN Carta defined as a cerebral experience (MSN Encarta).To understand such films the audience should have a sound notion of what a true movie should be as also expect them to be of a high standard. But it is not at all so in the case of Bollywood movies. Plagiarism in Bollywood Movies Bollywood script writers and music composers have a tendency to plagiarize from western sources and from Bengali and Malayalam movies of India which are of a comparatively high standard. Plot lines, ideas, tunes as well as riffs are fair game for Bollywood (Ayres Oldenburg, 2005). In the past Bollywood could get away with impunity as the movies were largely unknown to non-Indian viewers with the result that none had the faintest notion that ones materials was beeing plagiarized (Dudrah, 2002). Well known Bollywood Director Vikram Bhatt put it succinctly when he remarked Financially, I would be more secure knowing that a particular piece of work has already done well at the box office. Copying is endemic everywhere in India. Our TV shows are adaptations of American programmes. We want their films, their cars, their planes, their diet cokes and also their attitude. The American way of life is creeping into our culture. and also If you hide the source, youre a genius. Theres no such th ing as originality in the creative sphere. However some copyright violations were indeed resulted in litigation. For instance the Bollywood movies Zinda in 2005 and Partner in 2007 were taken to court for having plagiarized from the Hollywood movies Oldboy and Hitch respectively. Accolades Another point to note is that Rays films remains an important part of world cinema and he has received more accolade than any other Indian moviemaker. Noted critic Basil Wright made this comment after viewing Pather Panchali for the first time: I have never forgotten the private projection room at the British Film Institute during which I experienced the shock of recognition and excitement when, unexpectedly, one is suddenly exposed to a new and incontrovertible work of art (Chapman, 2003). For instance the noted film critic Constantine Santas opined that Ray developed a distinctive style of film-making (Santas, 2002). Moti Gokulsing and Wimal Dissanayake stated that the basis of Rays works is comprised of strong humanism and visual lyricism (Gokulsing Dissanayake, 2004). Roy had the singular honor of establishing himself as an auteur of cinema with his very first movie (Santas 2002). In contrast no Bollywood film has ever won an international award, won any critical claim or even special mention from anywhere in the world except in those pulp magazines singing paeans to the movie moguls of Bollywood and their mediocre creations; this in spite of the fact that Bollywood churns out more movies per annum than any other country in the world. Although Bollywood movies are immensely popular with India and Indians living abroad, many South Asians eye them with derision labeling them as maudlin and unrealistic. To quote Edward Johnsons aside as he was commenting on the film posters of Bollywood movies, Indian cinema has a reputation in the West founded more on myth than reality. Art directors such as Satyajit Ray are given fulsome praise whilst the majority of commercial cinema receives nothing but ridicule and the entire industry is pilloried as specious drossà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦(Johnson, 1987:2). Even scholarship in India which, at times, was dismissive of popular films as Technicolor fantasies catering to the masses. To them Bollywood movies were characterized by dance and music, melodramatic content, lavish production procedures and over emphasis on spectacles and stars. And this is why Bollywood films have attained box-office success and raving audiences within India as also globally and not because of aesthetic excellence or on any grounds of merit. . The evolution of Bollywood Cinema with its constant interruptions of dance and song sequences is cited as a critical feature distinguishing it from other cinemas (Gopalan 2002); it is often also cited as an impediment to serious cinema as well Bollywood apologists complain that their movies are evaluated in the glum shadow of European cinematic forms, epistemologies and aesthetics and that in the confines of these rubrics Bollywood movies become poor imitations of art, exhibiting a total lack of realism of any sort and so remain shallow spectacles of fanatastic settings and music. Conclusion In the latter half of the 20th century filmmakers as well as screen writers of a serious mien became frustrated with the then prevailing musical movies. They wanted to reverse this trend and take the Indian movie to a higher and saner realm. They wanted to develop an altogether new genre of movies that portrayed reality from an aesthetic perspective (Roy, 2008) and not mediocre escapist fare. The pioneering efforts of Satyajit Roy gave birth to a number of highly aesthetic and unforgettable movies from avant garde directors like Mrinal Sen, Adoor Gopalakrishnan, Shyam Benegal and Girish Kasaravalli. And while it lasted no good thing lasts for long it was a real relief from the artifice universally distributed from the gaudy sets of Bollywood.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Hybrid Photopolymerization :: Chemistry

Hybrid photopolymerization has the potential for solving the oxygen inhibition and moisture problem that plagued the free-radical and cationic photopolymerization reactions respectively. The problem, however, with the hybrid system is the deficiency in the fundamental knowledge of the reaction in the system. This project tends to address these deficiencies by studying hybrid systems in order to understand how experimental variables affect oxygen, moisture and alcohol sensitivity. This understanding will be archived by the following objectives; Determine the kinetic rate constants for the hybrid systems. The kinetic rate constant, activation energy and Arrhenius constant of the hybrid systems will be obtained from Raman spectroscopy method. Model oxygen- diffusion-effect in hybrid systems. An oxygen-diffusion-model will be developed incorporating energy balance, specie balance and light attenuation parameters. Reduce oxygen diffusion in hybrid monomer films through formulation and processing variable selections. Hybrid monomer molecule and monomer mixture will be polymerized to obtain the conversion profile; the cure sample will be investigated to obtain the functional group conversion versus depth by Raman spectroscopy and microscopy respectively. The physical properties of the resulting product will be checked in order to determine the least oxygen diffused product. Develop practical hybrid monomer formulations for industrial applications. Hybrid systems that can be replicated on the industrial scale will be formulated. These systems will be suggested based on availability, cost and resulting physical properties displayed as investigated in Objective three. IV. Research Plan A Overview In this study, a series of hybrid systems will be considered; monomers of these systems will have different functionality present, like those in Figure 5. Hybrid monomer molecule, that is, a single monomer molecule with two moieties (such as acrylate and epoxide) and hybrid mixture formulation that will contain separate molecules for each moiety (i.e. acrylate will be mixed with epoxide). The photoinitiator systems for this study will be expanded to include ÃŽ ±-cleavagable free-radical photoinitiator, such as dimethoxyphenylacetophenone (DMPA) shown in Figure 1, and cationic photoinitiator salts as shown in Figure 3. Raman spectroscopy will be used for in-situ investigation of polymerization of samples. Raman microscopy will be used to obtain profiles of functional group conversion at various depths. These methods are based upon a non-destructive Raman scattering technique which provides information about the vibrational and electronic states in a confined system.{{8 Cai,Ying 2006}} The method is particularly well suited for detection of chemical bonds and their changes during reaction. B. Objective #1 Kinetic Study of the Hybrid Systems

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Fraud :: essays research papers

Fraud   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is a Fraud? A fraud is when one party deceives or takes unfair advantage of another. A fraud includes any act, omission, or concealment, involving a breach of legal or equitable duty or trust, which results in disadvantage or injury to another. In a court of law it is necessary to prove that a false representation was made as a statement of fact, that was made with the intent to deceive and to induce the other party to act upon it. It must be proven that the person who has been defrauded suffered a injury or damage from the act.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Who commits a fraud and why? It is generally accepted that 20 percent of employees are honest. Another 20 percent are dishonest and don't mind doing wrong. That means the remaining 60 percent are potentially dishonest, that's a total of 80 percent of employees which may be dishonest. To understand fraud you first have to determine the contributing factors to why people commit fraud. Some people commit fraud for the sport and thrill of it. There are other recognizable reasons why honest people may commit a breach of trust. Need is the most common reason. A desperate financial need is usually the cause of most frauds. Still some people commit fraud to pay for an elevated life style which other wise they could not afford. Needs arise from a number of locations these include: Drug or alcohol addiction, Marriage break-ups and/of extravagant love affairs, Gambling Debts, Business losses, Unexpected family crises, Mounting debts, and the desire to live a lifestyle far beyond ones means.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fraud is costing society several hundred billion a year. Organizations loose close to 6 percent of annual revenue to fraud and abuse of social systems. Fraud costs Canadian organizations $100 billion annually. On the average, organizations loose $9 dollars a day per employee to fraud. On an average of fraudulent cases males received $185,000 and females received $48,000. A study done by the insurance industry indicates the groups most likely to commit fraud. The most typical person who may commit fraud is a college/university educated white male. Men were responsible for almost four times the fraud as were females. Losses caused by people with post-graduate degrees were five times greater than those caused by high school graduates. Fifty eight percent of fraud is committed by employees, which averages $60,000 per case. Twelve percent of fraud is cause by owners, which on the average costs the insurance companies $1 million per case. Fraud increases the cost of Canadians everyday living. It affects bank rates, insurance rates, credit card rates, and product costs.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner Chapters 8

â€Å"I think we should fol ow Riley. Find out what he's doing.† I stared. â€Å"But he'l know we tracked him. He'l catch our scents.† â€Å"I know. This is how I figure it. I fol ow his scent. You keep clear by a few hundred yards and fol ow my sound. Then Riley only knows I fol owed him, and I can tel him it's because I had something important to share. That's when I do the big reveal with the disco bal effect. And I'l see what he says.† His eyes narrowed as he examined me. â€Å"But you†¦ you just play it close to the chest for now, okay? I'l tel you if he's cool about it.† â€Å"What if he comes back early from wherever he's going? Don't you want it to be close to dawn so you can glitter?† â€Å"Yes†¦ that's definitely a possible problem. And it might affect the way the conversation goes. But I think we should risk it. He seemed like he was in a hurry tonight, didn't he? Like maybe he needs al night for whatever he's doing?† â€Å"Maybe. Or maybe he was just in a big hurry to see her. You know, we might not want to surprise him if she's nearby.† We both winced. â€Å"True. Stil †¦Ã¢â‚¬  He frowned. â€Å"Doesn't it feel like whatever's coming is getting close? Like we might not have forever to figure this out?† I nodded unhappily. â€Å"Yeah, it does.† â€Å"So let's take our chances. Riley trusts me, and I have a good reason for wanting to talk to him.† I thought about this strategy. Though I'd only known him for a day, real y, I was stil aware that this level of paranoia was out of character for Diego. â€Å"This elaborate plan of yours†¦,† I said. â€Å"What about it?† he asked. â€Å"It sounds kind of like a solo plan. Not so much a club adventure. At least, not when it comes to the dangerous part.† He made a face that told me I'd caught him. â€Å"This is my idea. I'm the one who†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He hesitated, having trouble with the next word. â€Å"†¦ trusts Riley. I'm the only one who's going to risk getting on his bad side if I'm wrong.† Chicken as I was, this didn't fly with me. â€Å"Clubs don't work that way.† He nodded, his expression unclear. â€Å"Okay, we'l think about it as we go.† I didn't think he real y meant it. â€Å"Stay in the trees, track me from above, ‘kay?† he said. â€Å"Okay.† He headed back toward the log cabin, moving fast. I fol owed through the branches, most of them so close-packed that I only rarely had to real y leap from one tree to another. I kept my movements as smal as possible, hoping that the bending of the boughs under my weight would just look like wind. It was a breezy night, which would help. It was cold for summer, not that the temperature bothered me. Diego caught Riley's scent outside the house without trouble and then loped after it quickly while I trailed several yards back and about a hundred yards north, higher on the slope than he was. When the trees were real y thick, he'd rustle a trunk now and again so I wouldn't lose him. We kept on, with him running and me impersonating a flying squirrel, for only fifteen minutes or so before I saw Diego slow down. We must have been getting close. I moved higher in the branches, looking for a tree with a good view. I scaled one that towered over its neighbors, and scanned the scene. Less than half a mile away was a large gap in the trees, an open field that covered several acres. Near the center of the space, closer to the trees on its east side, was what looked like an oversized gingerbread house. Painted bright pink, green, and white, it was elaborate to the point of ridiculousness, with fancy trim and finials on every conceivable edge. It was the kind of thing I would have laughed at in a more relaxed situation. Riley was nowhere in sight, but Diego had come to a complete stop below, so I assumed this was the end point of our pursuit. Maybe this was the replacement house Riley was preparing for when the big log cabin crumbled. Except that it was smal er than any o f the other houses we'd stayed in, and it didn't look like it had a basement. And it was even farther away from Seattle than the last one. Diego looked up at me, and I signaled for him to join me. He nodded and retraced his trail a little ways. Then he made an enormous leap – I wondered if I could have jumped that high, even as young and strong as I was – and caught a branch about halfway up the closest tree. Unless someone was being extraordinarily vigilant, no one ever would have noticed that Diego'd made a side trip off his path. Even stil, he jumped around in the treetops, making sure his trail did not lead directly to mine. When he final y decided it was safe to join me, he took my hand right away. Silently, I nodded toward the gingerbread house. One corner of his mouth twitched. Simultaneously we started edging toward the east side of the house, keeping high up in the trees. We got as close as we dared – leaving a few trees as cover between the house and ourselves – and then sat silently, listening. The breeze turned helpful y gentle, and we could hear something. Strange little brushing, ticking sounds. At first I didn't recognize what I was hearing, but then Diego twitched another little smile, puckered his lips, and silently kissed the air in my direction. Kissing didn't sound the same with vampires as it did with humans. No soft, fleshy, liquid-fil ed cel s to squish against each other. Just stone lips, no give. I had heard one kiss between vampires before – Diego's touch to my lips last night – but I never would have made the connection. It was so far from what I'd expected to find here. This knowledge spun everything around in my head. I had assumed Riley was going to see her, whether to receive instructions or bring her new recruits, I didn't know. But I had never imagined stumbling across some kind of†¦ love nest. How could Riley kiss her? I shuddered and glanced at Diego. He looked faintly horrified, too, but he shrugged. I thought back to that last night of humanity, flinching as I remembered the vivid burning. I tried to recal the moments just before that, through al the fuzziness†¦. First there was the creeping fear that had built as Riley pul ed up to the dark house, the feeling of safety I'd had in the bright burger joint dissolving entirely. I was holding back, edging away, and then he'd grabbed my arm with a steel grip and yanked me out of the car like I was a dol, weightless. Terror and disbelief as he'd leaped the ten yards to the door. Terror and then pain leaving no room for disbelief as he broke my arm dragging me through the door into the b lack house. And then the voice. As I focused on the memory, I could hear it again. High and singsong, like a little girl's, but grouchy. A child throwing a tantrum. I remembered what she'd said. â€Å"Why did you even bring this one? It's too smal .† Something close to that, I thought. The words might not be exactly right, but that was the meaning. I was sure Riley had sounded eager to please when he answered, afraid of disappointing. â€Å"But she's another body. Another distraction, at least.† I think I'd whimpered then, and he'd shaken me painful y, but he hadn't spoken to me again. It was like I was a dog, not a person. â€Å"This whole night has been a waste,† the child's voice had complained. â€Å"I've kil ed them al . Ugh!† I remembered that the house had shuddered then, as if a car had col ided with the frame. I realized now that she'd probably just kicked something in frustration. â€Å"Fine. I guess even a little one is better than nothing, if this is the best you can do. And I'm so ful now I should be able to stop.† Riley's hard fingers had disappeared then and left me alone with the voice. I'd been too panicked at that point to make a sound. I'd just closed my eyes, though I was already total y blind in the darkness. I didn't scream until something cut into my neck, burning like a blade coated in acid. I cringed back from the memory, trying to push the next part from my mind. Instead I concentrated on that short conversation. She hadn't sounded like she was talking to her lover or even her friend. More like she was talking to an employee. One she didn't like much and might fire soon. But the strange vampire kissing sounds continued. Someone sighed in contentment. I frowned at Diego. This exchange didn't tel us much. How long did we need to stay? He just held his head on the side, listening careful y. And after a few more minutes of patience, the low, romantic sounds were suddenly interrupted. â€Å"How many?† The voice was muted by distance, but stil distinct. And recognizable. High, almost a tril . Like a spoiled young girl. â€Å"Twenty-two,† Riley answered, sounding proud. Diego and I exchanged a sharp glance. There were twenty-two of us, at last count, anyway. They must be talking about us. â€Å"I thought I'd lost two more to the sun, but one of my older kids is†¦ obedient,† Riley continued. There was almost an affectionate sound to his voice when he spoke of Diego as one of his kids. â€Å"He has an underground place – he hid himself with the younger one.† â€Å"Are you sure?† There was a long pause, this time with no sounds of romance. Even from this distance, I thought I could feel some tension. â€Å"Yeah. He's a good kid, I'm sure.† Another strained pause. I didn't understand her question. What did she mean, are you sure? Did she think he'd heard the story from someone else rather than seeing Diego for himself? â€Å"Twenty-two is good,† she mused, and the tension seemed to dissolve. â€Å"How is their behavior developing? Some of them are almost a year old. Do they stil fol ow the normal patterns?† â€Å"Yes,† Riley said. â€Å"Everything you told me to do worked flawlessly. They don't think – they just do what they've always done. I can always distract them with thirst. It keeps them under control.† I frowned at Diego. Riley didn't want us to think. Why? â€Å"You've done so wel ,† our creator cooed, and there was another kiss. â€Å"Twenty-two!† â€Å"Is it time?† Riley asked eagerly. Her answer came back fast, like a slap. â€Å"No! I haven't decided when.† â€Å"I don't understand.† â€Å"You don't need to. It's enough for you to know that our enemies have great powers. We cannot be too careful.† Her voice softened, turned sugary again. â€Å"But al twenty-two stil alive. Even with what they are capable of†¦ what good wil it be against twenty-two?† She let out a tinkling little laugh. Diego and I had not looked away from each other throughout al this, and I could see in his eyes now that his thoughts were the same as mine. Yes, we'd been created for a purpose, as we'd guessed. We had an enemy. Or, our creator had an enemy. Did the distinction matter? â€Å"Decisions, decisions,† she muttered. â€Å"Not yet. Maybe one more handful, just to be sure.† â€Å"Adding more might actual y decrease our numbers,† Riley cautioned hesitantly, as if being careful not to upset her. â€Å"It's always unstable when a new group is introduced.† â€Å"True,† she agreed, and I imagined Riley sighing in relief that she was not upset. Abruptly Diego looked away from me, staring out across the meadow. I hadn't heard any movement from the house, but maybe she had come out. My head whipped around at the same time the rest of me turned to a statue, and I saw what had startled Diego. Four figures were crossing the open field to the house. They had entered the clearing from the west, the point farthest from where we hid. They al wore long, dark cloaks with deep hoods, so at first I thought they were people. Weird people, but just humans al the same, because none of the vampires I knew had matching Goth clothes. And none moved in a way that was so smooth and control ed and†¦ elegant. But then I realized that none of the humans I'd ever seen could move that way, either, and what's more, they couldn't do it so quietly. The dark-cloaks skimmed across the long grass in absolute silence. So either these were vampires, or they were something else supernatural. Ghosts, maybe. But if they were vampires, they were vampires I didn't know, and that meant they might very wel be these enemies she was talking about. If so, we should get the hel out of Dodge right now, because we didn't have twenty other vampires on our side at the moment. I almost took off then, but I was too afraid to draw the attention of the cloaked figures. So I watched them move smoothly forward, noticing other things about them. How they stayed in a perfect diamond formation that never was the slightest bit out of line no matter how the terrain changed under their feet. How the one at the point of the diamond was much smal er than the others, and its cloak was darker, too. How they didn't seem to be tracking their way in – not trying to fol ow the path of any scent. They simply knew their way. Maybe they were invited. They moved directly toward the house, and I felt like it might be safe to breathe again when they started silently up the steps toward the front door. They weren't coming straight for Diego and me, at least. When they were out of sight, we could disappear into the sound of the next breeze through the trees, and they would never know we'd been here. I looked at Diego and twitched my head slightly toward the way we'd come. He narrowed his eyes and held up one finger. Oh great, he wanted to stay. I rol ed my eyes at him, though I was so afraid, I was surprised I was capable of sarcasm. We both looked back to the house. The cloaked things had let themselves in silently, but I realized that neither she nor Riley had spoken since we'd caught sight of the visitors. They must have heard something or known in some other way that they were in danger. â€Å"Don't bother,† a very clear, monotone voice commanded lazily. It was not as high-pitched as our creator's, but it stil sounded girlish to me. â€Å"I think you know who we are, so you must know that there is no point in trying to surprise us. Or hide from us. Or fight us. Or run.† A deep, masculine chuckle that did not belong to Riley echoed menacingly through the house. â€Å"Relax,† instructed the first inflectionless voice – the cloaked girl. Her voice had that distinctive ring that made me certain she was a vampire, not a ghost or any other kind of nightmare. â€Å"We're not here to destroy you. Yet.† There was a moment of silence, and then some barely audible movements. A shifting of positions. â€Å"If you are not here to kil us, then†¦ what?† our creator asked, strained and shril . â€Å"We seek to know your intentions here. Specifical y, if they involve†¦ a certain local clan,† the cloaked girl explained. â€Å"We wonder if they have anything to do with the mayhem you've created here. Illegally created.† Diego and I frowned simultaneously. None of this made sense, but the last part was the weirdest. What could be il egal for vampires? What cop, what judge, what prison could have power over us? â€Å"Yes,† our creator hissed. â€Å"My plans are all about them. But we can't move yet. It's tricky.† A petulant note crept into her voice at the end.

Foodborne Illness Short Answer Questions

Complete answers to questions below: What is the infectious agent (pathogen) that causes this infectious disease? For example, the name of the bacteria, virus, or parasite. The process of infection can be broken down into stages, each of which can be blocked by different defense mechanisms. In the first stage, a new host is exposed to infectious particles shed by an infected individual. The number, route, mode of transmission, and stability of an infectious agent outside the host determines its infectivity.Some pathogens, such as anthrax, are spread by spores that are highly resistant to heat and drying, while others, such as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), are spread only by the exchange of bodily fluids or tissues because they are unable to survive as infectious agents outside the body. How is this infectious agent transmitted through food or water? Infectious pathogens include some viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular parasites, and aberrant proteins known as prions.These pathogens are the cause of disease epidemics, in the sense that without the pathogen, no infectious epidemic occurs. The term infectivity describes the ability of an organism to enter, survive and multiply in the host, while the infectiousness of a disease indicates the comparative ease with which the disease is transmitted to other hosts. Transmission of pathogen can occur in various ways including physical contact, contaminated food, body fluids, objects, airborne inhalation, or through vector organisms What is an example of a real life outbreak of this foodborne illness in the United States?In early October 2012, the Clark County Public Health Department (â€Å"the health department†) received the first reports of a cluster of Salmonella Virchow infections occurring in the county. Additional reports came in rapidly, and by October 9, interviews of ill persons indicated that the source of the developing outbreak was the On the Border restaurant in Vancouver, Wa shington. On October 9, On the Border temporarily ceased operation. Dr. Alan Melnick, Clark County Health Officer, stated that the closure was â€Å"a further precaution to reduce the risk of Salmonella spreading to others. Meanwhile, health department staff continued to interview employees and patrons of the restaurant to learn more about the precise cause of the outbreak. The health department also continued its work with On the Border employees to make sure that standard control measures—e. g. hand-washing and environmental sanitation—were in place and effective, so that when the restaurant resumed operation it would not pose a continuing threat to the health of its patrons.As of the date of the restaurant’s closure on October 9, there were 11 confirmed and five probable cases of Salmonella Virchow infection linked to the consumption of food at the restaurant.  · What are the clinical symptoms, duration of the disease, and treatment if any? Viral hepatitis ; Infectious hepatitis The hepatitis A virus is found mostly in the stools and blood of an infected person about 15 – 45 days before symptoms occur and during the first week of illness.You can catch hepatitis A if: You eat or drink food or water that has been contaminated by stools (feces) containing the hepatitis A virus (fruits, vegetables, shellfish, ice, and water are common sources of the hepatitis A virus You come in contact with the stool or blood of a person who currently has the disease, A person with hepatitis, A does not wash his or her hands properly after going to the bathroom and touches other objects or food, You participate in sexual practices that involve oral-anal contact, About 3,600 cases of hepatitis A are reported each year.Because not everyone has symptoms with hepatitis A infection, many more people are infected than are diagnosed or reported. Risk factors include: International travel, especially to Asia or South or Central America IV drug use, living in a nursing home or rehabilitation center, working in a health care, food, or sewage industry What steps can be taken to prevent further outbreaks? Include individual as well as environmental precautions and methods. Preventing hepatitis A: The virus causing hepatitis A is mostly contracted through food and water.Therefore, proper hygiene is very important in this case. Drink filtered water that is free from any kind of germs and viruses. Make sure that the water which you are getting in your house is filtered properly. If you are travelling, then use only commercially bottled water that is sealed properly. Boiling the water before drinking is also helpful in killing the viruses that cause hepatitis. Wash your hands properly before touching any food items and after using the toilet. Follow proper sanitation in and around your house. Eat food that is cooked well and is fresh.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Federalist Papers

The Federalist Papers Several documents have helped carve the United States government from the beginning into what we know it as today†¦the Magna Carta, the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence†¦to name a few. One of the most important of those documents was The Federalist Papers. It is a series of 85 articles/essays that were written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay, between 1787 and 1788.This paper will focus on the purpose of the Federalist Papers, who the intended audience was, and why another document – the Articles of Confederation – written after the American Revolution, failed in the wake of the Constitution being drafted and ratified. (Peacock, n. d. ) The Federalist Papers, better known as The Federalist, or The New Constitution, was a planned attack devised by Alexander Hamilton, a lawyer from New York. Federalist Papers, 2012) I say attack, but it was more of a â€Å"strong support† of the newly proposed Const itution. He, along with Madison and Jay, wrote the papers under the pseudonym of Publius (the Roman citizen was that credited with saving the Roman republicanism). This was common practice when someone was writing something for public eyes, yet he or she didn’t want anyone to know who was writing the material. The Federalist Papers, 2002) The purpose was to try to and assist American republicanism by demonstrating the necessity of the Constitution. The essays had another other significant purpose: it immediately showed New Yorkers why it was a good idea to ratify the Constitution and in turn word quickly spread to the other States in the Union. They actually took the lead in ratifying the document, with New York coming in after the necessary nine states that were needed had already ratified.The Federalist Papers have helped our society to clearly understand what the writers of the Constitution were thinking when they wrote that document nearly 200 years ago. That documentâ₠¬â„¢s main audience at that time: the people within the Union, in particular, the â€Å"doubters† and critics of the drafted Constitution. Although a number of important states had already ratified the Constitution before the essays were published, it most assuredly helped in getting the nine out of the thirteen states within the Union needed in order to get it passed.It clarified for many what the Constitution was telling them and why it was so important to have. Today, federal judges frequently use the Federalist Papers to interpret the Constitution as a means to get a broader picture of the intentions of the framers and ratifiers (The Federalist Papers, 2002) I don’t think the authors, Hamilton, Madison and Jay, knew that the papers they drafted and published between 1787 and 1788 would still be influential in today’s government choices and proceedings.The Articles of Confederation, formally the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, was an agreement among the 13 founding states that established the United States of America as a confederation of sovereign states and served as its first constitution. (Why did the Articles of Confederation fail? , 2012) With time, several things were pointed out as wrong or needing revising with the Articles.Among the reasons the Articles failed, giving way to the new Constitution, were: every state was independent (free to make their own choices, which did not sit well with the countries leaders) which reflected the seemingly written purpose that this was done so that the national government was kept as weak as possible; each state only had one vote in Congress, regardless of their size; Congress did not have the power to tax nor did they have the power to control trade (which was something that was needed to keep the finances of America over water); there was no national court system (criminals were free to run wild; no steady judgments were made by any laws); and the states refused to finance t he national government. These were just a few of the noticeably problems. In 1786, a rebellion is western Massachusetts protested the rising debt and economy chaos†¦but the national government was unable to assemble to a military force to help out it down, something else seen as needing to be fixed as soon as possible.For these reasons, the Articles of Confederation failed. (Kelly, 2012) The Federalist Papers are a significant piece to our nation’s history. People were set with the Articles of Confederation as being the only constitution they needed, but as the years went by, more things made it clear that a revision, or a whole new document for that matters, was needed to address the current states of the Union. It took some persuading to get the Constitution ratified, and the 85 essays written by Hamilton, Madison and Jay helped persuade the American people to define the United States as we know it today. References Federalist Papers. (2012). Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/Federalist_Papers. The Federalist Papers. (2002). Retrieved from http://www. crf-usa. org/foundations-of-our-constitution/the-federalist-papers. html. Kelly, M. (2012). Why Did the Articles of Confederation Fall? Retrieved from http://americanhistory. about. com/od/governmentandpolitics/f/articles_of_confederation_fails. htm. Peacock, Anthony A. (n. d. ). First Principles Series. The Federalist Papers. Retrieved from http://www. heritage. org/initiatives/first-principles/primary-sources/the-federalist-papers. Why did the Articles of Confederation fail? (2012). Retrieved from http://essayinfo. com/sample/essay/465. Essay Info – Essay Writing Center.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

While There Is Much Hype About International Sporting Events Like the Fifa World Cup, Such Events in Fact Have Limited Value. Do You Agree

Now people are like to do sport. Not matter adult, children, man and woman also likes to do sports. Even if the work is very busy, or a lot of remedial classes also take the free time to do sports. This is our love of sport. Since ancient times, people are like sports. Then people love sport, they gradually formed a large-scale movement. Nowadays, there are two sports competition in the world largest. It is Olympic Games and FIFA World Cup. These international sporting will give many advantages to a country.Hold international sporting events like the FIFA World Cup will become many advantages for a country. It will become improve growth of economy who are hold international sporting, then create more job, increase the relationship of other countries, and increase the image of a country. The first advantage of holding international sporting events is it creates more job opportunities for to the country. International sporting events need many sports centers, athlete hostels, hotels, c ar parks, restaurants, and others. So, human resources are needed to build the building.People are also needed to work in the construction field, restaurant, and service. The country has host the international sporting must invite many workers to complete the competition. For example, hotels need many workers to service the tourist, restaurants need many waiter and chefs to service the tourist and to cook many delicious foods, transportation need many drivers like taxis, bus, private drivers, and others. Furthermore, human resources also need the guide to introduction their country. Hold the international sporting can become increase the relationship of other countries.It can exchange players to show their talent. They promote their countries players and then promote their culture. NBA is the example, it make many teams to invite many country’s players come to their country. So that can increase many people know their country. Then their country will increase the economic and crates more jobs to their commonwealth. Similarly, they can organize a competition about the international sporting. For example, FIFA World Cup, Olympic Games, Formula 1, Europe Cup, and others sports.After the competition, the host country will enjoy many benefits from this competition. It can improve the economy growth of their country. Then it can lead to many business deals from all the world. This is because many other countries get to are know about this their country’s economy. So other countries are confident to do business with the host country. Then they countries can form good relationships in business. Likewise, they also can easily make transactions. For example China is a big developing country. It just hosted the Olympic Games in 2008.Now it is a popular country in the world. At the same time, it is also a big brother in Asia for business. Moreover, the advantage of holding international sporting is improved growth of economy. After which country was hosted t he international sporting. There can improve the currency at the time. For example, many tourists come to your country travel must change the currency. Multi-national currency may come in to your country. After that, the currency in your country will be growth up at the time. IN 2008 China, after it was finished hosted the Olympic Games.After that, it improved growth of economy at the moment. Then, many tourists come to China for tourism. So, many tourists need change the currency after that just can use. In conclusion, the hold international sporting can enjoy many advantages. Otherwise, host international sporting may improve growth of economy and increase the image of a country. In future, many countries must try to host the international sporting. So, many countries just can increase the relationship of others country. Finally, there are many advantages of host international sporting events.